The master is routinely making decisions on which the weather has significant impact. It therefore makes sense for the vessel to have easy access to the best weather data available, in near real time. With this in mind AWT has developed the BonVoyage System, a combination of software and data. BonVoyage is a user-friendly icon-driven graphical marine weather briefing system.
By using real-time weather data to generate color-coded graphics, the software lets the user see into the heart of severe weather systems. This provides a much more complete picture of the storm than traditional text-based weather bulletins or radio facsimiles, because it captures the detailed shape of each storm system and visually displays dangerous wave generating areas.
Overlaying the vessels intended route is very easy, as is zooming, printing and a host of other features. BonVoyage will even suggest a route for you based on the prospective weather conditions.
In house developed high performance compression technology ensures that 10 days data can inexpensively be transmitted to the vessel.
The bottom line is that BonVoyage will help improve the economical management of your vessel. So why not see it in action, contact us for a free trial.
| | | Conventional Weather Routing Order | | | The shortest navigational route is not necessarily the ideal route to accomplish the shorter enroute time, whilst ensuring maximum cargo, vessel and crew safety. In actuality the shortest route is likely to be exposed along the most difficult weather conditions.
AWT provides a high quality weather routing service to her increasing number of clients worldwide. The service includes the initial weather conditions and routing recommendation, continuous enroute weather forecast, diversion recommendation or fine-tuning of the recommended route as well as post-voyage analysis. Shore based customer staff have the option to monitor all communications, weather conditions and vessel tracks on the easily to use BonVoyage System office software.
It is generally accepted that a little money invested in weather routing can result in large fuel savings as well as the other obvious benefits. Let us show you why our service is one of the best.
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What the customers say?
 | | If you are in the need for weather at sea. I have found a great company to use; "Applied Weather Technology" We have been using this program on board for the last three weeks. This is one slick program. They give you a ten-day weather forecast with all of the bells and whistles. You really need to see this to believe it.
Thank you very much for our safe voyage route from Vancouver to Qingdao as perfect weather analysis render to us. See you next time.
As usual, it is a pleasure doing business with you. Your quick responses are so appreciated. Thanks again.
After approx. one month of trials of the "weather service" we can without any doubt say that the "weather service" has proved itself to be very helpful to us. The amount of information and the quality of weather charts is by far greater than what we are used to.
System working well and we all remain very impressed, especially with your prediction of TD Hanna, you had it marked days before weather faxes from Japan.
The weather program is a marvel.
I would just like to take a minute to wish you a Merry Christmas and a good New Year. The BVS weather has been very good and we out at sea do appreciate an accurate forecast.
I like the system and it will make our job easier when it comes to weather forecasting especially in areas which do not have good coverage by weather fax.
I would also like to tell you that I am thoroughly impressed with your weather program. You have given me the tools to make sound decisions based on the weather. We try and run a first class operation, and with your information that has become much easier.
Thank you very much for your valued time, effort and advice in enabling us to load the Bon Voyage System on the alternative computer - we are now receiving and using your program which we have found extremely helpful.
Thank you very much for the weather data which was excellent.
Thanks for the excellent support that you guys at AWT have provided over the last couple of years, and for the very personalized service. Much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your accurate weather reports, it helped us a lot.
The weather system on the world cruise has worked well - many thanks for your efforts.
Bon Voyage has been received with great enthusiasm the Captain and the Deck Officers are very happy with the system.
Thank you so much for getting the weather data to me, it sure did make a difference in the route I took.
First of all I have pleasure in informing you that during transit through the Atlantic Ocean we received and used your good weather data without any problem. No facsimile weather charts gave us suchlike pictures of the weather condition ahead and therefore the possibility to choose the safest way.
Please be assured that in my report to our office this excellent service will be mentioned, thanks again. |